Real Estate Agent Campaigns for Soldier On
Soldier On would like to thank Carole Desforges, a residential real estate broker, who decided to support the sick/injured community by donating $100 to Soldier On for every transaction made by Mulligan Real Estate Team in November. When she brought the idea to her team partner, Danik Mulligan, the latter was immediately on board. The team donated $1100.
"Since 2009, I have been surrounded by soldiers. My partner is a veteran, their son is on active duty and I have many friends who are still active or currently retired. My first real estate transaction was with a veteran," says Ms. Desforges.

Since her life partner of the past 11 years is a veteran who suffered an injury while on duty, Ms. Desforges is familiar with the struggles of sick and wounded limbs as they adapt and overcome. Seeing something as mundane as choosing clothes for the day being complex for someone was a revelation to her.
"I learned that even talking behind someone to greet him might surprise him, so I learned not to startle anyone and by standing in front of them," she added.
As Ms. Desforges underwent disc fusion surgery for her cervicalespine, she particularly sympathizes with those who suffer from permanent physical injuries.
Ms. Desforges decided to launch her initiative when she heard a lot of good things about Soldier On from friends. The story of Corporal Chief (retired) Natacha Dupuis, a Soldier On member, which she read in
a Veterans Affairs Canada article, particularly touched her.
Ms. Desforges asked around in her social circle to see who among those she knew were also familiar with the program. She was pleased to learn that some of her friends were also members and that they received grants from the Soldier On Fund.
In the past, Ms. Desforges supported Soldier On by participating in the Canada Army Run, which raises funds for Soldier On and other Armed Forces initiatives.
She has always been inspired by sick and injured serving and retired members, so it was easy to choose Soldier On as the charity of choice this year. She hopes that her contribution can help at least one member return to normality. Thank you, Carole.
You can find out more about Carole's team here.